August 16th

Aug 16, 1930 - Heber J Grant remarks that Apostle George Albert Smith "is getting very nervous. We don't want him to have another breakdown such as he had years ago, almost costing him his life." Apostle Smith doesn't begin describing his symptoms until Jan 1932, and year later writes, "My Nerves are nearly gone but am holding on the best I know how." Symptoms gradually subside and do not resume until he is church president.

Aug 16, 1944 - First Presidency instructs its Hotel Utah to stop serving liquor.

Aug 16, 1985 - "Our individual, personal testimonies are based on the witness of the Spirit, not on any combination or accumulation of historical facts. If we are so grounded, no alteration of historical facts can shake our testimonies." --Dallin H. Oaks, "1985 CES Doctrine and Covenants Symposium," Brigham Young University.

Aug 16, 1894 - Jewish boy gives his bar mitzvah talk in LDS stake conference "in confirmation of his faith in the Jewish religion."

Aug 16, 1930 - Heber J. Grant remarks that Apostle George Albert Smith "is getting very nervous. We don't want him to have another breakdown such as he had years ago, almost costing him his life." Apostle Smith doesn't begin describing his symptons until Jan. 1932, and years later writes: "My nerves are nearly gone but am holding on the best I know how." Symptoms gradually subside and do not resume until he is church president.

Aug 16, 1985 - Apostle (and former Utah Supreme Court Justice) Dallin Oaks instructs educators and administrators of LDS Church Educational System: "Balance is telling both sides. This is not the mission of official Church literature or avowedly anti-Mormon literature. Neither has any responsibility to present both sides."

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