Oct 1, 1835 - Joseph Smith records in his journal: "This after noon labored on the Egyptian alphabet in company with Br[other]s O[liver] Cowdery and W[illiam] W. Phelps. The system of astronomy was unfolded [to us]."
Oct 1, 1842 - Editorial in TIMES AND SEASONS, edited by Joseph Smith: "Central America, or Guatamala, is situated north of the Isthmus of Darien and once embraced several hundred miles of territory from north to south. The city of Zarahemla, burnt at the crucifixion of the Savior, and rebuilt afterwards, stood upon this land as will be seen from the following words in the book of Alma: -- 'And now it was only the distance of a day and half's journey for a Nephite, on the line Bountiful, and the land Desolation, from the east to the west sea; and thus the land of Nephi, and the land of Zarahemla was nearly surrounded by water: there being a small neck of land between the land northward and the land southward.' . . . It is certainly a good thing for the excellency and veracity, of the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon, that the ruins of Zarahemla have been found where the Nephites left them: and that a large stone with engravings upon it as Mosiah ss has published, is also among the left remembrances of the, (to him,) (lost and unknown). We are not going to declare positively that the ruins of Quirigua are those of Zarahemla, but when the land and the stones, and the books tell the story so plain, we are of opinion, that it would require more proof than the Jews could bring to prove the disciples stole the body of Jesus from the tomb, to prove that the ruins of the city in question, are not one of those referred to in the Book of Mormon."
Oct 1, 1842 - Amid accusations of diversion of temple materials to private use Joseph Smith, Trustee-in-trust, tells the Temple Committee: "Some reports had been circulated that the committee was not making a righteous disposition of property consecrated for the building of the Temple, and there appeared to be some dissatisfaction amongst the laborers. After carefully examining the accounts and inquiring into the manner of the proceedings of the committee, I expressed myself perfectly satisfied with them and their works. The books were balanced between the trustee and the committee, and the wages all agreed upon. I said…I was amenable to the state as trustee-in-trust, and that the Temple committee were accountable to me, and to no other authority; and they must not take notice of any complaints from any source, but let the complaints be made to me, if any were needed, and I would make things right."
Oct 1, 1843 - At a meeting of the Anointed Quorum, Joseph Smith "anoints" and ordains William Law as first counselor and Amasa J. Lyman as second counselor in anticipation of dropping Sidney Rigdon from his position of counselor at the upcoming conference.
Oct 1, 1845 - A congress representing nine Illinois counties assembled at Carthage and resolved that the Mormons must either leave voluntarily or be expelled. On the same day the Quorum of Twelve announces their intent to lead Mormons out of Nauvoo in the spring for re-settlement in Oregon or Vancouver Island.
Oct 1, 1848 - LDS publication MILLENIAL STAR quotes John Greenleaf Whittier: "Once in the world's history we were to have a Yankee prophet, and we have had him in Joe Smith. For good or evil, he has left his track on the great pathway of life; or, to use the words of Horne, 'knocked out for himself a window in the wall of the nineteenth century, whence his rude, bold, good-humored face will peer out upon the generations to come.' "
Oct 1, 1855 - Typical DESERET NEWS report of Reformation meetings. Jedediah M. Grant presides over three days of meetings at Farmington, Utah, where he speaks seven times, prays four times, and during which 450 are rebaptized.
Oct 1, 1858 - While being visited at his office by Heber C. Kimball, Brigham Young "became suddenly ill and fell on the floor, remaining for a short time unconscious. When recovering from that state he enquired where he was. He got a little better in a short time to be able to walk home, and was accompanied by several of the brethren"
Oct 1, 1861 - Brigham Young and counselor Daniel H. Wells have "a discussion on the use of artillery and contrasted the cannons with Guns, and gave the preference to Small arms. The President told an anecdote of a Ball fired from a Gun that struck a Knot in a rail & then rebounded back, and shot a horse in the heart, the ball was intended for a crow."
Oct 1, 1890 - An apostle asks "how the Son of God was begotten," and Lorenzo Snow tells apostles, "that he was begotten just the same as you and I were or as our sons are."
Oct 1, 1891 - First Presidency and Quorum of Twelve Apostles consider this question: "Shall the Priesthood nominate and the people accept, or shall the people nominate?" The decision of the meeting: "It is quite proper for the brethren before making appointments to consult with local authorities and be sure to select men for position whom the people will gladly sustain" to offices of bishop, stake president, and patriarch.
Oct 1, 1896 - Wilford Woodruff writes in his journal, "I spent most of the day in the Temple with the Apostles & we partook of the sacrament together. We talked over the Debts of the Church & our individual Debts all of which are pressing us very Heavily now."
Oct 1, 1902 - Article in LDS publication JUVENILE INSTRUCTOR by George Reynolds, member of the First Council of Seventy and the author of three works concerned with the Book of Mormon, is the first mention of Ethan Smith's VIEW OF THE HEBREWS in an LDS context. In the short article Reynolds says that it advances "strong evidences in favor of the genuineness of the Book of Mormon."
Oct 1, 1903 - President Joseph Fielding Smith writes in the JUVENILE INSTRUCTOR on the "Pernicious nature of card playing:" "Card playing is a game of chance, and because it is a game of chance it has its tricks. It encourages tricks; its devotees measure their success at the table by their ability through devious and dark ways to win. It creates a spirit of cunning and devises hidden and secret means, and cheating at cards is almost synonymous with playing at cards. . . . Such games as checkers and chess are games more of fixed rules whose application are open and freer from cunning devices. Such games do not intoxicate like cards and other games of chance."
Oct 1, 1976 - Dissolution of First Council of the Seventy and Assistants to the Twelve, who merge in to First Quorum of the Seventy. After this date there is no permanent ranking or membership for Presidency of the Seventy. Conference also sustains first ethnic Japanese and first former Buddhist as general authority. First Quorum of Seventy's Adney Y. Komatsu, who was born in Hawaii.
Oct 1, 1977 - Conference sustains first Japanese-born general authority as member of Firstr Quorum of Seventy, Yoshihiko Kikuchi, exactly one year after sustaining first ethnic Japanese general authority, Adney Komatsu. Also newly appointed F. Enzio Busche is first general authority who has been imprisoned by Americans in POW camp.
Oct 1, 1981 - New York Times reports official announcement that new edition of Book of Mormon changes prophecy that Lamanites (Native Americans) will "become white and delightsome." Instead of continuing original reference to skin color, new edition emphasizes inward spirituality: "become pure and delightsome."
Oct 1, 1988 - DESERET NEWS reports federal judge's decision that FBI has been guilty of systematic discrimination because "Mormon supervisors made personnel decisions which favored members of their church at the expense of Hispanic" FBI agents. Principal offender named is Richard Bretzing, former FBI chief of Los Angeles and current director of LDS Security Department. In December federal judge also rules that FBI used illegal methods to discredit Hispanic FBI agent who had accused Bretzing of protecting Richard N. Miller from arrest as Communist spy because Bretzing was Miller's LDS bishop.
Oct 1, 1989 - Eight men are honorably released from recently established Second Quorum of the Seventy, cease to be general authorities, but do not have "emeritus" status of those released form First Quorum of the Seventy. This administrative difference continues to present.
Oct 1, 1994 - Utah's Earl Miller is inducted into U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
Oct 1, 1842 - Editorial in TIMES AND SEASONS, edited by Joseph Smith: "Central America, or Guatamala, is situated north of the Isthmus of Darien and once embraced several hundred miles of territory from north to south. The city of Zarahemla, burnt at the crucifixion of the Savior, and rebuilt afterwards, stood upon this land as will be seen from the following words in the book of Alma: -- 'And now it was only the distance of a day and half's journey for a Nephite, on the line Bountiful, and the land Desolation, from the east to the west sea; and thus the land of Nephi, and the land of Zarahemla was nearly surrounded by water: there being a small neck of land between the land northward and the land southward.' . . . It is certainly a good thing for the excellency and veracity, of the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon, that the ruins of Zarahemla have been found where the Nephites left them: and that a large stone with engravings upon it as Mosiah ss has published, is also among the left remembrances of the, (to him,) (lost and unknown). We are not going to declare positively that the ruins of Quirigua are those of Zarahemla, but when the land and the stones, and the books tell the story so plain, we are of opinion, that it would require more proof than the Jews could bring to prove the disciples stole the body of Jesus from the tomb, to prove that the ruins of the city in question, are not one of those referred to in the Book of Mormon."
Oct 1, 1842 - Amid accusations of diversion of temple materials to private use Joseph Smith, Trustee-in-trust, tells the Temple Committee: "Some reports had been circulated that the committee was not making a righteous disposition of property consecrated for the building of the Temple, and there appeared to be some dissatisfaction amongst the laborers. After carefully examining the accounts and inquiring into the manner of the proceedings of the committee, I expressed myself perfectly satisfied with them and their works. The books were balanced between the trustee and the committee, and the wages all agreed upon. I said…I was amenable to the state as trustee-in-trust, and that the Temple committee were accountable to me, and to no other authority; and they must not take notice of any complaints from any source, but let the complaints be made to me, if any were needed, and I would make things right."
Oct 1, 1843 - At a meeting of the Anointed Quorum, Joseph Smith "anoints" and ordains William Law as first counselor and Amasa J. Lyman as second counselor in anticipation of dropping Sidney Rigdon from his position of counselor at the upcoming conference.
Oct 1, 1845 - A congress representing nine Illinois counties assembled at Carthage and resolved that the Mormons must either leave voluntarily or be expelled. On the same day the Quorum of Twelve announces their intent to lead Mormons out of Nauvoo in the spring for re-settlement in Oregon or Vancouver Island.
Oct 1, 1848 - LDS publication MILLENIAL STAR quotes John Greenleaf Whittier: "Once in the world's history we were to have a Yankee prophet, and we have had him in Joe Smith. For good or evil, he has left his track on the great pathway of life; or, to use the words of Horne, 'knocked out for himself a window in the wall of the nineteenth century, whence his rude, bold, good-humored face will peer out upon the generations to come.' "
Oct 1, 1855 - Typical DESERET NEWS report of Reformation meetings. Jedediah M. Grant presides over three days of meetings at Farmington, Utah, where he speaks seven times, prays four times, and during which 450 are rebaptized.
Oct 1, 1858 - While being visited at his office by Heber C. Kimball, Brigham Young "became suddenly ill and fell on the floor, remaining for a short time unconscious. When recovering from that state he enquired where he was. He got a little better in a short time to be able to walk home, and was accompanied by several of the brethren"
Oct 1, 1861 - Brigham Young and counselor Daniel H. Wells have "a discussion on the use of artillery and contrasted the cannons with Guns, and gave the preference to Small arms. The President told an anecdote of a Ball fired from a Gun that struck a Knot in a rail & then rebounded back, and shot a horse in the heart, the ball was intended for a crow."
Oct 1, 1890 - An apostle asks "how the Son of God was begotten," and Lorenzo Snow tells apostles, "that he was begotten just the same as you and I were or as our sons are."
Oct 1, 1891 - First Presidency and Quorum of Twelve Apostles consider this question: "Shall the Priesthood nominate and the people accept, or shall the people nominate?" The decision of the meeting: "It is quite proper for the brethren before making appointments to consult with local authorities and be sure to select men for position whom the people will gladly sustain" to offices of bishop, stake president, and patriarch.
Oct 1, 1896 - Wilford Woodruff writes in his journal, "I spent most of the day in the Temple with the Apostles & we partook of the sacrament together. We talked over the Debts of the Church & our individual Debts all of which are pressing us very Heavily now."
Oct 1, 1902 - Article in LDS publication JUVENILE INSTRUCTOR by George Reynolds, member of the First Council of Seventy and the author of three works concerned with the Book of Mormon, is the first mention of Ethan Smith's VIEW OF THE HEBREWS in an LDS context. In the short article Reynolds says that it advances "strong evidences in favor of the genuineness of the Book of Mormon."
Oct 1, 1903 - President Joseph Fielding Smith writes in the JUVENILE INSTRUCTOR on the "Pernicious nature of card playing:" "Card playing is a game of chance, and because it is a game of chance it has its tricks. It encourages tricks; its devotees measure their success at the table by their ability through devious and dark ways to win. It creates a spirit of cunning and devises hidden and secret means, and cheating at cards is almost synonymous with playing at cards. . . . Such games as checkers and chess are games more of fixed rules whose application are open and freer from cunning devices. Such games do not intoxicate like cards and other games of chance."
Oct 1, 1976 - Dissolution of First Council of the Seventy and Assistants to the Twelve, who merge in to First Quorum of the Seventy. After this date there is no permanent ranking or membership for Presidency of the Seventy. Conference also sustains first ethnic Japanese and first former Buddhist as general authority. First Quorum of Seventy's Adney Y. Komatsu, who was born in Hawaii.
Oct 1, 1977 - Conference sustains first Japanese-born general authority as member of Firstr Quorum of Seventy, Yoshihiko Kikuchi, exactly one year after sustaining first ethnic Japanese general authority, Adney Komatsu. Also newly appointed F. Enzio Busche is first general authority who has been imprisoned by Americans in POW camp.
Oct 1, 1981 - New York Times reports official announcement that new edition of Book of Mormon changes prophecy that Lamanites (Native Americans) will "become white and delightsome." Instead of continuing original reference to skin color, new edition emphasizes inward spirituality: "become pure and delightsome."
Oct 1, 1988 - DESERET NEWS reports federal judge's decision that FBI has been guilty of systematic discrimination because "Mormon supervisors made personnel decisions which favored members of their church at the expense of Hispanic" FBI agents. Principal offender named is Richard Bretzing, former FBI chief of Los Angeles and current director of LDS Security Department. In December federal judge also rules that FBI used illegal methods to discredit Hispanic FBI agent who had accused Bretzing of protecting Richard N. Miller from arrest as Communist spy because Bretzing was Miller's LDS bishop.
Oct 1, 1989 - Eight men are honorably released from recently established Second Quorum of the Seventy, cease to be general authorities, but do not have "emeritus" status of those released form First Quorum of the Seventy. This administrative difference continues to present.
Oct 1, 1994 - Utah's Earl Miller is inducted into U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
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