August 25th

Aug 25, 1830 - The JOURNAL OF HEALTH, published semi-monthly at Philadelphia, concludes a year-long series of articles denouncing the use of ardent spirits, tobacco, tea, and coffee in the strongest terms. It claims, "The most deadly of all poisons, the prussic acid, has been detected in green tea." It also advises, "A substitution almost entire, of vegetable for animal substances . . ."

Aug 25, 1836 - the CINCINNATI JOURNAL AND WESTERN LUMINARY prints a letter from Truman Coe pastor of the Old South Church in Kirtland, Ohio: "Mormonism, it is well known, originated with Joseph Smith in the town of Manchester, adjoining Palmyra, in the state of New York. Smith had previously been noted among his acquaintances as a kind of Juggler, and had been employed in digging after money. He was believed by the ignorant to possess the power of second sight, by looking through a certain stone in his possession. He relates that when he was 17 years of age, while seeking after the Lord he had a nocturnal vision, and a wonderful display of celestial glory. An angel descended and warned him that God was about to make an astonishing revelation to the world, and then directed him to go to such a place, and after prying up a stone he should find a number of plates of the color of gold inscribed with hieroglyphics, and under them a breastplate, and under that a transparent stone or stones which was the Urim and Thummin mentioned by Moses."

Aug 25, 1842 - Joseph Smith publicly admonishes the Twelve and others to "support the character of the Prophet, the Lord's anointed." He lashes out at "O[rson] Pratt and others of the same class [who] caused trouble by telling stories to people who would betray me, and they must believe these stories because his Wife told him so! And as to all that Orson Pratt, Sidney Rigdon, or George W. Robinson can do to prevent me, I can kick them off my heels, as many as you can name."

Aug 25, 1845 - Apostle Orson Pratt writes in the NEW YORK MESSENGER against Mormons who are teaching that the mortal body "of our martyred prophet and seer, or of any other person, was, or is the especial tabernacle of the Holy Ghost . . ." This is the earliest specific reference to a belief that Joseph Smith was the Holy Ghost in the flesh. Nearly fifty years later Wilford Woodruff would publicly indicate that this was a continued belief among some Mormons. It is still a belief among some Mormon fundamentalists (polygamists) today.

Aug 25, 1872 - Brigham Young preaches: "I remember once, when a boy, Jedediah M. Grant saw me chewing tobacco, and said be, 'You chew tobacco, do you?' 'Yes, sir.' 'Well, I never had any taste for it; it is no virtue in me that I do not use it, I tried hard enough, but it made me sick.'"

Aug 25, 1878 - Aurelia Rogers holds first meeting in Farmington, Utah, of her independently devised program for children. Not until June 19, 1880 does this become official churchwide "Primary" program, with Louie B. Felt as its first president.

Aug 25, 1881 - Organization of Utah Iron Manufacturing Company.

Aug 25, 1882 - First Presidency secretary John Nuttall records: "In the afternoon Pres Taylor & Smith decided that both tubs at Logan Temple shall be [illegible] feet long for Males and 6 feet long for females -- 24 inches wide at top -- 21 inches wide at bottom -- 20 inches deep the flare to be in front."

Aug 25, 1890 - Apostle Abraham H. Cannon writes: "Pres. Petersen told of an incident which he often heard Zebedee Coltrin relate. One day the Prophet Joseph Smith asked him [Coltrin] and Sidney Rigdon to accompany him into the woods to pray. When they had reached a secluded spot Joseph laid down on his back and stretched out his arms. He told the brethren to lie one on each arm and then shut their eyes. After they had prayed he told them to open their eyes. They did so and they saw a brilliant light surrounding a pedestal which seemed to rest on the earth. They closed their eyes and again prayed. They then saw, on opening them, the Father seated upon a throne; they prayed again and on looking saw the Mother also; after praying and looking the fourth time they saw the Savior added to the group. He had auburn brown, rather long, wavy hair and appeared quite young."

Aug 25, 1895 - At Salina, Utah, Apostle Francis M. Lyman "denounce[s] the ideas of the world in regard to small families and the use of preventatives to avoid large families."

Aug 25, 1901 - When visiting apostles ask congregation how often ward teachers visit them, some "had not seen a Teacher in their homes for years and many not for months."

Aug 25, 1903 - First Presidency letter states: "Complaints have reached us from Presidents of Stakes that persons doing temple work have been advised by temple workers to speak to the President of their Stake about obtaining their Second Anointing. This must not be done, or suggested by any one laboring in our temples. . . . No person has the right to ask for this blessing. He must wait till sought out by his Stake President."

Aug 25, 1914 - First Presidency cables missionaries to leave France and Germany immediately, due to outbreak of war. LDS missionaries leave in safety.

Aug 25, 1936 - Twenty-year-old Fawn McKay, niece of David O. McKay, marries non-Mormon Bernard Brodie, a graduate student in international relations, at a Chicago LDS ward after a six-week "whirlwind" courtship. On the same day she receives an M.A. in English from the University of Chicago. She is later excommunicated for writing NO MAN KNOWS MY HISTORY.

Aug 25, 1939 - First Presidency cables mission presidents to have all missionaries leave France and Germany immediately. Mormon missionaries are safely in neutral countries when World War II begins week later with Nazi invasion of Poland and declaration of war by France and England. All missionaries cross Atlantic within three months.

Aug 25, 1984 - BYU anthropology professor Ray T. Matheny, speaking at a Sunstone Symposium states, "All these [Book of Mormon cultural traits] paint a scene that seem[s] to be quite foreign to what I am familiar with in the archaeological record of the New World. . . And the terminologies and the language used and the methods of explaining and putting things down are nineteenth century literary concepts and cultural experiences one would expect Joseph Smith and his colleagues would experience. . . If I were doing this cold like John Carlson is here. I would say in evaluating the Book of Mormon that it had no place in the New World whatsoever. . . It seems like these are anachronisms. It seems like the items are out of time and place, in trying to put them into the New World. And I think there's a great difficulty here for we Mormons in understanding what this book [of Mormon] is all about."

Aug 25, 1987 - National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences gives Emmy for public service spot "produced for the Church's Missionary Department by Bonneville Media Communications." LDS church is first religious organization to receive national Emmy (again 1988, 1993)

Aug 25, 1990 - First counselor Gordon B. Hinckley dedicates temple at Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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