March 30th

Mar 30, 1836 - Joseph Smith washes the feet of the Quorum of Twelve, "it was expedient for us to prepare bread and wine sufficient to make our hearts glad . . . Tubs water and towels were prepared . . . and then the Twelve proceed to wash the feet of the Presidents of the several quorums. . . .The bread and wine were then brought in, and I observed that we had fasted all the day. . . The brethren continued exhorting, prophesying, and speaking in tongues until 5 o'clock in the morning. The Savior made His appearance to some, while angels ministered to others, and it was a Pentecost and an endowment indeed, long to be remembered."
Joshua Seixas, Joseph Smith's Hebrew teacher signs a certificate: "Mr. Joseph Smith Junior ... has been indefatigable in acquiring the principles of the sacred language of the Old Testament Scriptures. He has so far accomplished a knowledge of it, that he is able to translate to my entire satisfaction … I take this opportunity of thanking him for his industry and his marked kindness towards me."

Mar 30, 1838 - Wilford Woodruff reports, "I was still sick in the morning. I had Prayers & was much better after my wife laid hands on me and asked the Lord to heal me."

Mar 30, 1840 - William Clayton, while on a mission in England writes: "Rebecca brought me raw egg in some red wine. . . . My feet were very sore to[night]. Sarah [Crooks] washed them and gave me a pint of warm Porter."

Mar 30, 1842 - Women of the Relief Society are instructed by Joseph Smith that "the Society should move according to the ancient Priesthood" and that he "was gong to make of this Society a 'kingdom of priests' as in Enoch's day, as in Paul's day." Joseph further exhorts the sisters that they be "sufficiently skill'd in Masonry as to keep a secret" and to be "good Masons."

Mar 30, 1844 - Nauvoo Mayor and Judge Joseph Smith fines a man "five dollars and cost" for whipping "a certain black man . . . his back lacerated from his shoulders to his hips with 20 or more lashes."

Mar 30, 1859 - Wilford Woodruff dreams "of having a terrible battle with a rattle snake. He tried to bite me all over but did not seem to hurt me." He awakens and falls asleep again and dreams "that I had an orchard of several acres of Apple trees and I thought the ground was Covered with vary large red ripe Apples. I thought there were hundreds of Bushels so ripe that they must be used up in order to save them. I was making preperations to make them into Cider when I awoke."

Mar 30, 1862 - Brigham Young teaches that "God would Judge the world but How would He Judge the world? He would not sit in Judgment upon Each individual case, but the Lord would preside over all his Prophets and Apostles of ev[e]ry generation . . Those who received their testimony and abided by their Council would have no sins to pay for after death, but the wicked would be Judged after death. . . . Joseph Smith will preside over this dispensation and Judge but He has chosen 12 Apostles 70ties & we have High Priest, High Council, and Bishops to Judge the people. Joseph will not judge Each individual neither shall I. Neither do I want to spend my time in listening to the sins & nonsens[e] of the People."

Mar 30, 1873 - Brigham Young says, "Joseph the Prophet told me that the garden of Eden was in Jackson Co Missouri, & when Adam was driven out of the garden of Eden He went about 40 miles to the Place which we Named Adam Ondi Ahman, & there built an Altar of Stone & offered Sacrifize. That Alter remains to this day. I saw it as Adam left it as did many others. & through all the revolutions of the world that Altar had not been disturbed. Joseph also said that when the City of Enoch fled & was translated it was whare the gulf of Mexico now is. It left that gulf a body of water."

Mar 30, 1877 - Brigham Young instructs apostles to re-organize all stakes of Great Basin.
Wilford Woodruff writes, "This is the first day I ever went [to] the Temple to get Endowments for the Dead."
First Presidency secretary L. John Nuttall writes that he "Officiated as recorder, Michael and Adam, at the sealing records, at 2nd anointing records."

Mar 30, 1893 - Apostles Brigham Young Jr, Francis M. Lyman, Abraham H. Cannon and John Henry Smith "went to Dinwoodeys and picked out some furnature for our room [in the Salt Lake Temple]. Among the items a parlor set, five oak chairs, two Wardrobes. WE borrowed two tables. We ate Oysters at Arbogast's."

Mar 30, 1907 - First Presidency and Apostles meet with the Church Auditing Committee "in the office of the Presidency and read the Annual report of the Committee. The Church has Actual Values about Ten Millions of dollars in Land, buildings, and other projects."

Mar 30, 1908 - B. H. Roberts publishes an open letter open letter to Richard R. Lyman, a Democrat, future apostle, and son of Apostle Francis M. Lyman, expressing his opposition to the reelection of Apostle Reed Smoot as U. S. Senator. He says that Smoot's reelection would rekindle animosity against the church and that there were many others who could fill the position. Even though Roberts had once run for Congress himself (Congress did not allow him to take his seat due to his being a polygamist), he was now convinced that high church officials ought not to run for public office because of the bitterness against the church and anti-Mormonism it engendered. Smoot's reelection, he said, would cause another setback for the church.

Mar 30, 1914 - Patriarch John W. Woolley is excommunicated for performing unauthorized plural marriages. Although he advances no schismatic claims, Fundamentalist movement will eventually look to him as one of its founders.

Mar 30, 1917 - Young John Talmage, six-year-old son of Apostle James Talmage goes downtown to buy a gift for a family member. While his governess is looking into a store window, he runs into a nearby National Guard office, where he declares himself ready for duty. The amused recruiters put him through the drill of attention and saluting. However, the boy is devastated when he is told he is too young, and John decides not to tell anyone of the humiliating experience. That afternoon the family receives a call from Lieutenant Albert Meyers who relates the incident and asked permission to report the story in the next day's newspaper. It runs in the March, 31 edition of the SALT LAKE TRIBUNE.

Mar 30, 1955 - Quorum of Twelve recommends establishment of separate unit or branch for African-American members in Salt Lake City.

Mar 30, 1965 - Former Czech missionary writes that a prophecy of Apostle John A. Widsoe that was made in 1932 when Widsoe was president of the European mission is coming true. Widsoe said, "Communism is the work of the devil. The Lord is using it to break down the hold of the Catholic and Russian Orthodox churches over the minds of men."

Mar 30, 1968 - CHURCH NEWS story about two LDS roommates in Salt Lake City, Arab convert Ozzie Shamaly and Jewish convert Jim Loewy.

Mar 30, 1970 - First Presidency statement quotes Church Historian's Office against alleged "Horse Shoe Prophecy." It attributes prophecy to John Taylor rather than to Joseph Smith and concludes: "There is no record by any of the General Authorities about it; nor is there anything in the diaries of which we have copies." Current LDS president Joseph Fielding Smith recently ends fifty-year service as church historian.

Mar 30, 1982 - ANCHORAGE DAILY NEWS article "Donny Osmond Bounces From Bubblegum to Broadway."

Mar 30, 1990 - Apostle Boyd K. Packer, speaks at a Regional Representative Seminar. In a talk titled "Let Them Govern Themselves," he reiterates the importance of the announcement on tithes and offerings and its purpose in reducing "the overregimentation of the Church. This overregimentation is a direct result of too many programmed instructions" He acknowledges that "smaller budgets and fewer activities, fewer programs . . . will leave a vacuum," he pleads with the Regional Representatives to "absolutely resist the temptation to program that vacuum. . . . Please, for this one time, honor the agency of the members, the families." He also significantly in this context, points out that "the term `free' agency is not found in the revelations. It is a moral agency"

Mar 30, 2007 - Mormon singer and television personality Marie Osmond announces that she and her husband of more than 20 years, Music producer Brian Blosil, are getting divorced: "Though our marriage is ending, we continue to have a very amicable relationship, Our marriage has always been a faithful one, and neither of us is assigning fault for the divorce." This is Marie's second divorce that ends a marriage originally solemnized "for time and eternity." She and her first husband, Stephen Craig divorced in 1985.

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